Broken Cisterns or Springs of Living Water?
Those who are following the uncharted way in this season are going to begin to step into greater and greater levels of the River of God....
The Courage of Caleb is Beginning to Rise!
I have felt a distinct shift in the Spirit realm the last few weeks. Something new is beginning to take place and God is stirring the...
"Prep for Joy!"
A couple of weeks ago, just as I was about to dash out the door for our Sunday services, I heard the Lord say, "Prep for Joy!" As I was...
Living by Every Word That Comes from His Mouth
Recently I was enjoying some free time and ended up browsing through a gift shop. In one area of the shop I happened upon an old compass....
Hidden Expansion as You Rest Under His Shadow
The Lord has been speaking to me recently with encouraging words and visions. He showed me that many of His people are battle weary as...
Powerful Encounters with the Spirit of Truth are Being Released
There is a battle over truth right now. There are some wandering in great confusion as the enemy has unleashed his demonic forces of...
Interacting with Heaven's Realms
Many have felt the turbulence swirling around them in this time of conflict in our nation. We were not expecting the unfortunate events...
It's Time for Blast Off!
This weekend it is significant that the SpaceX Launch has been rescheduled for Saturday. This launch is groundbreaking for a number of...
Step Off of the Bandwagon and on to the Glory Train!
Just the other day I heard the Lord say the word "bandwagon". When He speaks a word like that to me, I know it is an invitation into...
A Supernatural Rebound
Recently I have been hearing the word "REBOUND". As I often do, I looked up the word to see if God might speak to me further through the...