"You Will Flourish and I Will Establish You"
Recently, the Lord has highlighted the word "flourish" to me over and over. I saw it on the cover of a popular magazine, on a sign in a...
The Time of Birthing is Upon Us!
Our family was blessed recently to welcome our fourth grandchild into the world, a baby boy. Unexpectedly, our daughter had to have an...
Step into a New Way of Seeing and Being
Many in the Body of Christ have been experiencing an intense time of pressure and squeezing. The enemy has brought assault after assault...
God, Raise Up Your Mordecais in This Generation!
Recently we celebrated Purim, the holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people that all began during the time Esther...
"Take New Land, But FIRST be HEALED"
We are in an exciting season of advancement to step into new territory and take new land for the kingdom. After what has seemed like...
Speak to the Dry Bones!
Recently, the Lord has highlighted for me the story in Ezekiel 37 where Ezekiel encounters the dry bones. As I meditated on the passage,...
"It is Time for My Church to Graduate!"
Recently I was in a corporate worship gathering and had a vision that speaks to the season I sense we are in as God's Ekklesia. In the...
"Where Now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?!"
THE INVITATION Recently, in a time of prayer I felt I heard the Lord speak a phrase to me, "If you want it, here it is, come and get it."...
Sound the Horns of Justice in the Land!
Two days before Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets began, I had an interesting encounter with the Lord. It was in the early morning...
"Do the Hard Thing!"
"Do the hard thing!" These were the words I kept hearing the Lord speak to me for months. But, for a time, I avoided and ran from the...