It's Time for Blast Off!
This weekend it is significant that the SpaceX Launch has been rescheduled for Saturday. This launch is groundbreaking for a number of...

Step Off of the Bandwagon and on to the Glory Train!
Just the other day I heard the Lord say the word "bandwagon". When He speaks a word like that to me, I know it is an invitation into...

A Supernatural Rebound
Recently I have been hearing the word "REBOUND". As I often do, I looked up the word to see if God might speak to me further through the...

Altars of the Heart; A Vital Time of Consecration
Recently I was spending some time with the Lord and I heard him say, "Build Me an altar." Then He took me on a journey these last...

You Must Untether to Launch Out
"Stop dwelling on the past. Don't even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it...

Shelter at Home in the Shelter of the Most High
Psalm 91 has been a theme for many in this season, and it has been for me as well. I have a history with Psalm 91, and so I knew to...

Stand Firm! The Lord is Bringing Deliverance!
We now find ourselves in a place not so different from the Israelites as they left Egypt behind and were heading in the direction of...

Flowing with the River of God
Recently during a time of worship I saw a vision of many people standing in the River of God. This river was clearly the NEW THING that...

The Sounds of Proclamation Worship are Arising!
The Lord has been highlighting worship leaders and worship teams to me recently and the role they will be stepping into in this new era....

A New Age of Enlightenment
A new Age of Enlightenment is upon us. Wikipedia defines the Age of Enlightenment as an "intellectual and philosophical movement that...