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Remember, You are Born of the Spirit

The enemy has sought to pull you into His realm of self and flesh. But you are of a different realm, My born again ones. You are born of My Spirit and now your spirit is alive in Me. There is a war raging in this season. Light and dark are at war and flesh and Spirit are also at war. Remember whose you are, My child of light.

You are being strengthened to choose according to the Spirit in adversity and hardship as well as in times of peace and blessing. Choose wisely, because your enemy would seek to ensnare you. His traps are set to pull you into his arena of darkness and division. You must learn to surrender to My voice and lay your life down. Resist the urge to satisfy the desires of the flesh and the quick fix of happiness. The quick fix will often sting in the end, and you will pay dearly for the convenience and misguided pleasure.

Stay clear of the path of judgment and the pointing finger of accusation. Your agreement must not be with the accuser who seeks to smear and stain the royal identity I have ordained for each of My beloved sons and daughters. Yes, I have said, “regard no one according to the flesh” (2 Cor. 5:16) You must see with Spirit eyes, My called out ones. No evil the enemy has assigned to those around you is beyond My redemption. My love is a powerful force. Love one another. Do not be quick to cast stones or pull each other down. Immerse yourself in My words and allow My Spirit to guide and correct you.

I have realms of delight for you, My Overcomers. Peace of mind, peace of heart, and fullness of My Spirit are your inheritance in Me. Give way to the threshing process as my word separates soul from spirit, judging the intentions of the heart.

My discipline is always born out of My great love for you. My discipline is not to shame, harm, or punish you. My reproof reflects My great love. I am the Alpha and Omega. I see the beginning and the end, and all the days ordained for you. I delight in you and desire to see you step fully into greater realms of fruitfulness and destiny.




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