Daydream Believers, Arise and Build in 2025!
Recently I woke up hearing the phrase, "Daydream Believer", which was the title of an old song popular in the 60's. Since I hadn't thought of or heard this song in years, I began to press in to hear what the Lord might be wanting to say. As I listened,
I felt I heard the Father saying that it is time for the Daydream Believers to arise and build. It is time to put feet to the dream seeds that God has sown and nurtured within you. As you believe in Him, you will see these dreams come to fruition. Yes, the realization of that which has germinated inside is upon you. God is bringing dreams into actualities. But you must become a daydream believer. Believing is a key component in seeing your dreams manifest into actualities.
The Cambridge dictionary defines "daydream" as "a series of pleasant thoughts about something you would prefer to be doing or something you would like to achieve in the future."
Watch and take note of what you daydream about, because often it is an indicator of deep desires, potential, and calling. God is often in the longing and yearning you have experienced. The Holy Spirit will lead each one through a process of consecration and purification. That which is not of Him will be pruned or weeded out. Trust His process as He knows you infinitely and intimately.
Know that your faith is the actual substance of those things you have dreamed and hoped for. You can bring your faith to the courts of Heaven for it is the evidence of what He will do as you believe. Though the thing you have faith for is not yet seen or realized in the natural, it is an actuality in His Spirit realm. You must learn to live from this place, your seated position in Him. This is a place of governing, but also a place of Divine perspective and limitless creativity.
Seeing From Your Seated Place
Do you see what He sees? What you see is what you will get as you learn to envision from your seated position. This is a place of learning to imagine and picture the things He has spoken to you. You will never step in to take your promised lands until you can envision yourself doing so. Caleb could see what God wanted to do so he was able to operate from a place of confidence, assurance and courageous faith as he boldly said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." (Num. 13:30b) Caleb was a daydream believer, but he was more than that. Caleb was a fearless believer in His God, the promises He had spoken to him, and the generations before him. Like Caleb, you are learning to see as God sees.
Hold on to what God has spoken to you for His words are the building blocks of your faith. Learn to place your faith in who He is, and not in what you can do. You are entering new territory. Old methods and ways of operating will no longer be sufficient to navigate this untraversed terrain. Trust the ancient paths, but not the old wineskins. Discard the hindrances and things that would hold you back. Refuse to harbor unforgiveness, offense, or fleshly appetites. Choose the narrow way and road less traveled. Shake off the garments from past seasons and refuse Saul's armor. God has fresh mantles, anointing, and grace to release for those who choose to believe and follow Him into the new.
God Seeds Produce a Harvest
Know that God's words and promises go forth as seeds. His seeds always germinate and grow to produce fruit when you believe. His seeds always produce a harvest when they are combined with faith. It is not your self effort or striving that will cause the harvest to come, but your simple childlike trust and faith in your good Father. You are a carrier and co-creator with Him of things destined to be birthed in this new era.
Are you confident? Be confident of this; He will carry on to completion the good work He began in you. (from Phil. 1:6) You have only to yield and obey. God will release to you the strategies and plans to bring to fruition that which He has nurtured inside of you. What began as a daydream will one day bring abundant harvest.
Don't be afraid to step out. He will take your little and multiply it into much. He will take your weakness and reveal His strength. Don't allow the days of dark and gloomy skies to cause you to doubt what He has spoken to you in times of light and revelation.
Believe like the psalmist David when he said, "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, 'Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,' even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you." (Psalm 139:9-12)
He is the Light of the World, and He has made you light as well. Trust His light to guide you. He will shepherd you through the dark places and order your steps to bring you to a place of Divine convergence and fulfillment. Mary was blessed because she believed that there would be a fulfillment of that which was spoken to her from the Lord.(Lk. 1:45) You will be blessed as you believe as well.
It is a time to arise and build. Tap into the grace that Heaven is releasing right now for the builders. Anointed builders have first dreamed of a plan. Before there was a building there was a desire and a dream. Nehemiah felt a deep desire. Nehemiah had a dream to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, bringing those deep desires to God in prayer. God breathed on those dreams, birthing them into reality, bringing Divine inspiration, favor, and resources to Nehemiah and those who helped him build.
Step into the slipstream of God's grace, Daydream Believers, as you arise and awaken to build with Him. The God of All Creation will bring blessing and favor to you as you move forward to advance His kingdom. Build on earth as it is in Heaven.