Flowing with the River of God

Recently during a time of worship I saw a vision of many people standing in the River of God. This river was clearly the NEW THING that God is now pouring out. I knew that He wanted to speak and encourage His people so that we can fully embrace ALL that flows in His amazing river.
God showed me that some in the river are facing towards the past and not able to turn around and flow with the current. Trauma, hurt, betrayal, and unforgiveness are just a few of the things keeping these individuals "backward facing" and unable to see and flow with the "new thing" that He is doing.
I saw God releasing His healing oil from Heaven and a SPECIFIC GRACE to encounter Him as HEALER of PAST WOUNDS. I understood that a choice must be made in the heart to receive His healing first of all, and then a choice must be made to TURN and face a NEW
There are many who have been afraid to trust again, to risk being hurt and disappointed because of the long seasons of waiting and wilderness. But, I saw many choosing to HOPE and TRUST and TURN towards the new thing with renewed expectation and anticipation as they received His healing oil into their hearts. God is depositing seeds of promise and awakened hope to hearts who had been afraid to trust again. He is placing rainbows of promise in the path ahead for those with eyes to see.
Then I heard the Father say, "Many have had selective vision and have only been able to see through a narrow focus of spiritual sight. This narrow focus has limited My ability to release the MORE because of unbelief and lack of trust. But, I am releasing new LENSES OF PROMISE to see and perceive to those who are hungry. No more looking behind or even looking side to side. My people will be FORWARD FOCUSED with EYES OF EXPECTATION. I will BROADEN their vision to SEE and PERCEIVE more. Like my servant Habakkuk who stationed himself on the ramparts and said, 'I will look to see what he will say to me,..." (Hab. 2:1b), so will you be as you choose to TRUST and TURN.
You who have grown weary and dull in the waiting, AWAKEN to the stirring of My winds of change. I am blowing even now, removing scales from your eyes and calluses from your heart. That which you have longed for is upon you. TRUST in Me as we move to a DEEPER place in My RIVER and a HIGHER PLACE in My Spirit.
Let go of the old ways, the familiar ways, and step with me into the NEW and RECEIVE your new eyes to see and perceive."
In the vision I saw many in the river who were attempting to move forward, but the acceleration of the current and rapidly rising waters caused them to hesitate and try and "control" what happened to them. They, too, were struggling to trust. God was asking for a FULL SURRENDER without needing to know the specific twists and turns of the river. Freedom in the river could only be found as these "let go" and surrendered to the flow.
Peter found himself in circumstances that led him to deny Christ three times. This same man encountered the love of God and a baptism of fire in such a way that he was never the same. Boldness and courage marked his life after these encounters with God. For those who are struggling to surrender to the flow, God is releasing FRESH ENCOUNTERS with HIS LOVE and BAPTISMS OF FIRE. These "marked ones" will rise up to navigate and pioneer uncharted waters with courage and boldness born out of transformational encounters with His love and fire.
The River of God is FULL of LIFE! The River of God is FULL of SALVATIONS, FRUITFULNESS, and HEALING. Come and step into His beautiful River and receive all the blessings and abundance He is pouring out to those who have chosen to trust Him.
Ezekiel 47:9, "Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live." vs. 12, "Fruit trees of all kind will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, not will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing."