It is Time to Move On!

Over the past several months, the Lord continues to draw my attention back to the story of the exodus of the children of Israel and the parting of the Red Sea. So much about this story seems to line up with the season that we find ourselves in presently.
I feel that the Lord wants to draw our attention away from the turbulent circumstances all around, and increase our faith to believe that He will indeed deliver us from the enemies that pursue us. But, more than deliverance awaits us. We are being prepared for the "greater things" that have been long designated for this time. New places and new lands await us. It has been a long season for many, and too often the disappointments and delays have caused a "dumbing down" of our faith that would seek to limit our ability to believe He will do what He says He will do. When we are tempted to allow our faith to be lessened or tainted by our negative experiences, we must instead continue to hold up the standard of what He is saying or has said. Our faith comes by hearing and will be strengthened as we focus on His words.
As I reread the familiar story of Exodus 14 recently, God highlighted to me verse 15, "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground."
It is time to MOVE ON! I am hearing the Lord say it is a "FORWARD MARCH" time for the Body of Christ. A shift has occurred and is occurring and the things that have seemed impossible are now becoming possible. Our Great Deliverer is here opening up the way before us just as Moses stretched out his hand over the waters of the Red Sea. But, we must MOVE ON! It is no longer a time to be inactive, but a time to step forward in faith to the voice of the Great Deliverer who calls us.
God did not completely remove the waters of the Red Sea, but He walled them up on the right and on the left so that they could walk right through the middle of it on dry ground. God may not remove your opposition or obstacle, but He will make a way and provide your own DRY GROUND right in the middle of it. This is where I feel so strongly that He is wanting to call us to a greater level of seeing, believing, partnering with Him, and trusting Him as our Deliverer. This will be a season of greater and greater glory given unto Him as He shows Himself strong throughout the earth.
As He calls us to step out, we may feel like Peter when Jesus had walked on the water and then extended the simple invitation to Peter, "Come". I feel God is extending that invitation to many now to step into uncharted waters. You haven't been this way before and if He doesn't come through for you, you will surely sink. But, just as He lifted Peter up out of the waters, He will surely lift you, And just as He caused the massive waters of the Red Sea to part, He will part your waters, too. We KNOW Him! And we know that He always keeps His promises! We know that He is our Great Deliverer and He is faithful and just.
This past season has partly been about getting rid of the things in our hearts that would keep us from fully giving Him our "yes". It's also been about Him revealing more of His heart to us so that we are rooted and grounded in His unfailing love.
He is calling us all to step into this great and grand adventure with Him. It is not a time to be defensively looking over our shoulder for the enemies who pursue, but a time of forward movement. It is time to take New Territory! It is time to see the season of "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" unfold. It is time to MOVE ON!