You Are Coming Out of Your Narrow Place into a Wide Open Space!

Recently during worship I felt I heard God saying that the time of revealing is upon us. Many have had the sense of being in a waiting place, where you knew there were new things coming, but you could not yet see what was ahead.
We have been in a spiritual "birth canal" and it has been a long intense season of labor. But, I hear God saying "You are coming out of your narrow place, into a wide open space! It's time to have your 'reveal party'! My season of preparation has served to shape and form you and make you ready to fully function by grace in the land I am giving you. Like a butterfly emerging from the tightly wound chrysalis, you will emerge with new wings, fashioned and formed for such a time as this."
For many, Satan has sought to abort the birth of the new thing that God is doing, but hold on to Him and He will bring you through.
"When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked--but the Lord held on to me. His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me-- because his delight is in me!" Psalm 18:18-19
His love is breaking open the way as you move in faith into this new season. It is a BROAD place that He has prepared for you. The discouragement, accusations, and hopelessness that you may have felt in the dark and narrow place are going to be exchanged by amazement and awe in the faithfulness of God in your life. The mother of a newborn quickly forgets the pain of childbirth because of the ecstasy and joy she finds in the new life she holds. So it will be as this new season unfolds. You are going to be overcome in realizing the great love He has had for you all along.
He truly is rescuing you because His delight is in you! You are not just going to know this in your head, but you will know this in your heart. God is establishing His Bride in a new level of knowing and experiencing His love as we move into greater things with Him. His desire is that we would be rooted and grounded in His love so that the storms and trials of life have no power to topple us or cause us to doubt His unfailing love.
As you began walking and exploring in this new land He is giving you, it is important to remember that you are walking in a NEW LEVEL of increase and abundance. The limitations of your former season are falling away, and your expectation needs to rise in order to receive and utilize the grace He is pouring out. The manna stopped when the Israelites came into their new land, so they no longer were limited to what they had experienced as sustenance for so many years. God sustained them in their "narrow place", but this was by no means all He had planned for them. They were now in the land of milk and honey, with abundant fruits and vegetables to enjoy.
How sad it would have been if the children of Israel had continued to forage the ground, searching for the monotonous manna. They would have missed the abundant flavors, colors, and tastes of the extravagant foods God had placed for them in the new land.
This is why it is so important that we raise our expectations and purpose to see with new eyes as we step into this wide open space He has prepared. It truly will be an exhilarating journey of faith and trust in Him as we step out into uncharted territory.
The stage has been set, and God has been busy preparing every detail for this time. You have been waiting, backstage in your "narrow place", often unable to see or even hear what is happening on the other side of the curtain. God is pulling back the curtain on your life and your "reveal party" is about to happen as God unfolds new plans, strategies, blueprints, and assignments.
He is bringing you into a BROAD place, a WIDE OPEN SPACE! He is rescuing you because He delights in you!