Surprising Sovereign Ambushes Set Against Your Enemy

We have been in an intense season of warfare for some time now. Many have experienced great battles in their personal lives, but we also see war being waged on the national and governmental level. I have been hearing the word "ambush" for a while and scenes from the great exodus of the Children of Israel as they crossed through the Red Sea into the Promised Land, often come into my mind.
I believe we are about to see God's involvement, intervention and deliverance in a way that we have not seen in a very long time. I believe history will at some point reveal the enormity of the times we find ourselves in now.
In many ways we are like the Children of Israel who were "marching out boldly" (Ex. 14:8) following the Presence of God into a land they had only heard and dreamed about. Many are in a similar season of following the word of the Lord into a land that you have not yet seen. You are living by faith, and with a burning love for the One you follow.
It was in this place that the Israelites found themselves camped by the Red Sea, and Egypt now behind them. Scripture tells us it was here that "--all Pharoah's horses and chariots, horsemen and troops--pursued the Israelites and overtook them as they camped by the sea..." (Ex. 14:9)
Many have felt "overtaken" in this season as it would seem that the enemy has pulled out all the stops as he unleashes his anger against God's beloved sons and daughters. The Israelites found themselves here, with their backs against a wall, and with no obvious options other than their own demise.
But God had a different scenario in mind as He orchestrated a sovereign ambush of the enemies of God's people. The very plot that the enemy sought to execute against the children of Israel became God's plan for the execution of Pharoah's army.
God has a GREAT TURN AROUND in store for this season and a surprising AMBUSH of your enemies. Just as He was able to jam the chariot wheels of Pharoah's army and throw the army into confusion--He will unfold His plan to thwart the evil plans of your enemy. He has DRY GROUND for you! As you put your trust in Him He will lead you through.
God will use your deliverance to display His glory, and all will see and know that He is God!
"The Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I gain glory through Pharoah, his chariots and his horses". (Ex. 14:18)
Friends, if you find yourself with Egypt behind you and your own Red Sea looming before you, "....Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today." (Ex. 14:13)
Watch and see the Sovereign AMBUSH of our mighty God!