Rise and Shine, My Dispensers of Hope!

You may have been in a season of great challenge, but the Lord is breathing hope into His people again. You may have felt like the captives in Psalm 137 who mourned for the days of joy they once knew in Zion. You may have felt like you would never experience joy again or know the taste of freedom.
Your dreams, like the harps that hung on the poplar trees, may have long ago been put on the shelf. But, God is blowing away the dust and cobwebs from your dreams with this call, "Awake My dreamers, awake my joyful ones! Pick up your harps, it's time to play the songs of Zion again.
I will fill your mouths with laughter and your tongues will sing the songs of joy.
I am breaking off the orphan spirit and releasing deep, abiding, sonship and daughtership. The lie that you are alone and abandoned will be broken once and for all. You will know what it is to carry My heart again and you will be My DISPENSERS OF HOPE. You will be like the captives I brought back to Zion. You will feel as if you are in a dream. You have sown in tears and now the time of JOYFUL REAPING is here!
Your testimony will be a light for the nations. Your perseverance through the dark night is now releasing a BEACON of HOPE for many. But, you must ARISE and SHINE My DISPENSERS OF HOPE! Even now the thick darkness descends upon the earth, but I have ordained that I will rise upon you and my glory will appear over you. (from Isa. 60:2)
You will lift up your eyes and see that the nations are coming to you. I have given you, My sons and daughters the keys to the Kingdom. I have given you authority to open and shut things. Take your place now at the gates. Take your place at the gates My OAKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, for you will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated.(from Isa. 61:4) Your branches will spread over cities and nations providing shade and protection for the lost and broken. The fruit of your limbs will sustain the weak and hungry, and your leaves will provide healing for the nations.
You are My planting. I have ordained that you would be My ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. Take your place now My ROYAL PRIESTS. Take your place releasing Heaven to Earth. Make your royal decrees and declare My purposes upon the Earth. All of creation awaits your response.
Rise and shine My DISPENSERS OF HOPE. This is your time to shine!"