Follow His Presence

For months now, the Lord has repeated the phrase to me from Josh. 3:4, "Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before..." We have stepped into a time and season unlike any other in history. The context of the phrase from Josh. 3 is that of the Israelites as they prepared to cross over the Jordan River into their promised land. We are crossing over into something monumental as well.
The Children of Israel were given instructions to keep their eyes on the ark of the covenant and when it moved, they were to move. I have felt a similar urgency in my spirit that following His Presence in this hour is more important than ever because WE HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS WAY BEFORE. It is a time to have our spiritual antennae up and our spiritual eyes watching for His movement. God will not send us out without His Presence leading the way. The waters of the Jordan did not part even a little bit until the priests who carried the ark, touched the water's edge with their feet. How ominous the teeming waters must have felt to the approaching Israelites!
Right now, many people feel like the Israelites must have felt as they approached the Jordan at flood stage. The raging waters must have seemed to taunt them and mock what they were about to attempt. The waters literally stood in the way of their promised destiny and they were totally dependent on God to come through for them. God has positioned many right now in this place of dependence. You KNOW that He must come through for you, or you will not reach your promised destination either.
I have been experiencing a season of God removing some of His obvious ways and signs of leading, and the result has been that I have pressed in closer and listened more fervently to His whispers. Just today, the line to the old hymn, "My Hope is Built" (words by Edward Mote) came to mind, and it expresses the stance we are to take while we wait for Him to move.
"When darkness seems to hide His face, I'll rest in His unchanging grace".
We REST in His unchanging grace while we wait for the movement of His Presence to show us the way to go as we enter the uncharted waters of this season. Though it may feel that thick darkness is keeping you from seeing the way to go, be encouraged, as His Presence is going to guide you through!
"See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you." Isa. 60:2
The glory of the Lord, His very Presence is going to go before you and give you DRY GROUND in the midst of the raging waters. Keep your eyes on Him, watch for His movement and follow His lead when He moves, because YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS WAY BEFORE. As surely as He led the entire nation of Israel through on dry ground, He will surely lead you!