I Will Seal Your Wounds With Healing Oil

My Child, I am healing your scars and removing the sting of your past trauma. The days of continual assault are over for "I have ransomed you unharmed from the battle waged against you". (from Ps. 55:18) The enemy has sought to discourage you with his continual taunts and lies, but "take heart for I have overcome the world". (from Jn. 16:33)
I will pour My healing oil into the deepest, darkest crevices of your heart--the places where you have hidden your pain.
There is no need to hide, for My love sees and overcomes all. So, come and bring your pain to Me dear child. I will suture your wounds with My own hands so that sure healing will come. Come and experience My embrace where heart flows into heart. My life flowing into you will realign EVERYTHING.
That which the enemy has meant for evil I am now shifting for good. This is My promise to you as you bring to Me your "all things". I will work your "all things" together for good because you are My child, My called one according to My purposes.
I will seal your wounds with My healing oil. There is HEALING in My SEALING. As I seal your wounds, I will heal the memory of the pain. I am erasing the enemy's recordings and replacing them with intimate encounters with My truth.
My truth will set you free to live again. Your heart will learn to soar again and you will "rise up on wings like eagles; you will run and not grow weary, walk and not faint". (from Isa. 40:31)
Your heart must no longer be burdened down with unnecessary weights. I'm giving you a GLAD heart that SOARS.
A whole heart.
A healed heart.
I am healing first, and then revealing. I will reveal the things I have positioned you for in this season. But, healing first, and then the revealing.
I am healing the sting of your past trauma. I have a crown of beauty for you instead of the ashes of your pain. I have a garment of praise instead of the cloak of despair you have worn.
Leave your old garment behind, and come dear child and receive my healing oil.
"Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come." Isa. 60:5