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God is Awakening Hearts to See and Hear

God is doing a deep work in the hearts of His people right now. We are expecting the "new thing" at any moment, but He is intently working to create a place that can sustain His new works as they come into being. He is birthing a new thing in the earth, but first the house of our hearts must be made ready.

The Lord reminded me of His encounter with the disciples recorded in Mark 8:17 & 18. Jesus had just fed the crowd of four thousand with seven loaves and a few small fish. Before that He had fed a crowd of five thousand with five loves, and both times there were leftovers! Very soon afterwards, the disciples must have been hungry and then realized they had only one loaf of bread. Jesus warns them to watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod. How they must have been perplexed at Jesus' words! Yet, their master and friend had zeroed in on the impoverished state of their hearts. They had witnessed a supernatural reality in the multiplication of the bread and fish, yet they still could not see. Luke 12:1 tells us that the yeast of the Pharisees was in fact, hypocrisy. The Pharisees knew the truth of the word, but did not recognize it when it was in their midst. Their hearts were hard and they could not see or hear.

"...Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don't you remember?" Mark 8:17-18

God is exposing our hardened hearts, old grids, and faulty lenses that prevent us from seeing and hearing when He comes. He is going deep removing the lies where destructive roots have cut off the flow of His love and truth. He is going deep healing our hearts that have been ravaged by the enemy's deception and schemes against us. He is going deep so His love can run even deeper flooding into every nook, cranny and space of our hearts, creating a raging river of love that will overflow the banks of our hearts to the world around us.

The new wine must have a new wineskin.

"Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." Matt. 9:17

God is shaping hearts that will house his glory, love, and new wine. Doubt, fear, and unbelief will always seek to dilute the move of God, but His pure love will overcome. Love always wins.

Like the disciples, our unbelief often surfaces when circumstances force us to reveal what we truly believe. But, God's persistent love will have it no other way except to see us fully transformed. This deep work of God will remove the enemy's hooks that have kept us returning to the same old patterns over and over. We will emerge fully convinced of His goodness. Yes, God is convincing His people of His unfathomable, immeasurable love that knows no limits in pursuing and wooing our hearts until we yield and fully surrender as the love-smitten bride He has always known we would be.

Like Paul, we will be fully persuaded. There will be no doubt left in us for the enemy to use against us. God is releasing a mighty wave of His love that will override our impure belief systems. A full system override is underway. The dictionary defines override as "to prevail or have dominance over; to have final authority or say." The voices of fear, doubt, and unbelief will become strangely out of date as God's operating system moves into place. Love will have the final say.

"... For I know Him [and I am personally acquainted with Him] whom I have believed [with absolute trust and confidence in Him and in the truth of His deity], and I am persuaded [beyond any doubt] that He is able to guard that which I have entrusted to Him until that day [when I stand before Him]. 2 Tim. 1:12 (Amp)


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