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"I'm Making Your Sanctuary a War Room"

Recently I was spending time with the Lord and meditating on the place of sanctuary I have with him in the secret place. He then interrupted my thoughts with startling words that caught my attention, "I'm making your sanctuary a war room". I knew with these words that He was commissioning me into a new season of my prayer journey and walk with Him.

As I continued to meditate on what He was speaking, the picture enlarged giving what He had spoken to me an even larger meaning. Once again I heard the words, "I'm making your sanctuary a war room", but this time I knew He was not only talking about my personal place of prayer with Him, He was now referring to the sanctuary of the local church where my husband and I pastor. With this enlarged word I saw a series of several scenarios that had the feel of "Pentagon" type war room scenes. In these scenes, military leaders were gathered around a table with maps and computer screens. Battle plans and strategies were being poured over and decided upon based on "intel" that had been received. Passionate prayer warriors were then being empowered and released to contend with the truth of God in their mouths.

I believe this word is not just for me and my local church, but for many God is raising up in this hour. God is calling forth an army of worshipping intercessors in this hour who have been trained and equipped to carry His sword of the Spirit and effectively war on His behalf. At His command, they will skillfully use His word and Spirit to defeat His enemies. God will release His battle plans, and the sons and daughters of God will go to war in worship, fasting, prayer and declaration to secure the victory He has already decreed.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

We now know that we are not of this world but we are clearly living in the world. Our battle is not with mere human beings. We battle with the unseen realm of evil, but then we are to love those who have not yet met our King with the same love He has extended to us. As skilled warriors we must learn how to operate in both confronting evil and loving those who do not yet know our King. Failing to understand and master either can be costly.

This bold intercession army is growing in her ability to navigate by the Spirit to receive the battle plans and God's blueprints for effective warfare. Fresh fire is going to fall on the gifts and means of receiving revelation from Heaven. Dreams, visions, prophetic wisdom and knowledge will be essential tools for the warriors. The enemy will be baffled at the precision of those who have been trained by the Spirit to confront evil. This army must also learn and submit to God's chain of command as honor for leadership and one another will help insure an impenetrable force against the enemy.

The Rise of the Royal Priesthood

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." I Peter 2:9

When Peter first released these words, it must have been a shocking message to the Jewish culture of his day. In the Old Testament, kingly and priestly functions were strictly separated. Priests were only from the line of Aaron and the Tribe of Levi. The priests were anointed by God, and had a number of functions that only they could perform such as entering the temple to talk to God, or offering sacrifices.

The Kings of Israel were also anointed by the priest with oil and were then empowered to rule Israel and fight battles on behalf of the Lord.

We know that the two roles were separated because of two specific stories in the Old Testament where the separation was violated. One story is found in I Sam. 13: 8-14 where King Saul became impatient waiting for Samuel to come and instead offered a sacrifice himself. He was judged for his disobedience and trying to combine the King and Priest function. The second story is found in 2 Chron. 26:16-19. King Uzziah became powerful and prideful and entered the temple to burn incense on the altar of incense. The priests confronted him, but he did not heed them and God afflicted him with leprosy for his disobedience and arrogance.

Now imagine the power of the words in I Peter 2:9 that Peter released that day! Every person would now be considered a "royal priesthood ". This role would no longer be reserved for the special and chosen few. Instead, Peter releases to them that they are now chosen. They are both royal and priestly. The Holy Spirit has come upon them and anointed them with His oil setting them apart for this never seen before role.

God is highlighting this monumental reality in this season so that fresh anointing and power will be received for the coming days. Our understanding of our identity as His royal priesthood is paramount and essential for stepping into our place of authority. Just as the kings ruled and fought battles, we will rule and fight for our King. We will use our kingly authority to make decrees. As the priests stood in the place to talk with God on behalf of the people, so we now may boldly approach His throne of grace. (Heb. 4:16)

There is a glory set aside for those who would enter into God's war room. It is our privilege and honor to execute the justice of God and vengeance on His enemies. He has gloriously positioned us for such a time as this. Now may His warriors arise with the courage of Caleb and Joshua, the devout humility and bravery of Esther, the worshipping heart of David, and the wisdom and justice of Deborah.

"Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds. May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them--this is the glory of all his faithful people. Praise the Lord". - Psalm 149:5-9



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