The Pure In Heart Will See God
A few nights ago as I was attempting to go to sleep the Lord began to speak some things to me about purity. I felt an urgency in my spirit and sensed Him issuing a call to us, His Church, to guard the gift of purity He has given to us and specifically the gates of our eyes and ears. Many have allowed the pathways of their eyes and ears to be sullied and tainted by that which is impure. This soiling of what has been entrusted has caused a dulling of sensitivity to Him, His voice, and the varied ways He chooses to communicate.
Many are crying out to see Him and hear Him in this hour as we anticipate His glorious coming. It is His desire to lavishly pour out His Spirit and He will bring great healing to His bride in the coming days. But, I also hear Him saying, "The pure in heart will see God".
Our eyes and ears are gateways. They are pathways where information, both good and evil, is received. We are the keepers and watchers over our own gateways and often determine the level of purity we will walk in by what we allow through our gates.
Purity preserves, honors, values, protects and cherishes that which is important to the Lord. Purity increases freedom and allows the unsullied and untarnished life of God to flow freely.
Purity is not restrictive, but instead releases the unhindered creative and vast atmosphere of Heaven to us with no hooks or thorns attached.
I saw a vision of a meadow and a group of very young children playing. The children were laughing, running, squealing, and so full of life and joy. Their little faces beamed with innocence, delight, and security. I felt the Lord whisper that this is His intent for all His children. He has given us the gift of His righteousness and purity and it is not for the purpose of being restrictive, but it is for the purpose of releasing to us abundant life, peace, joy, and every other fruit of the Spirit.
The dictionary defines purity as "freedom from anything that debases, contaminates or pollutes."
Paul shares in Gal. 5:1, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
The enemy has waged war on purity through all forms of media and the casualties have been great. Our determined choice for purity shuts the gates that allow for the ravaging and enslaving of our families through fear, guilt, shame, lust, the occult, sexual sin, and a host of other bondages.
When we welcome the King of Glory in, we are welcoming Him in and ALL of who He is. He is merciful, forgiving, and kind, but He is also holy, pure, righteous, and just. As His glory moves upon us in greater and greater measure, there will come a cleansing of impurity and that which will hinder His flow.
I saw a picture of a clear mountain stream rushing along it's path. As it moved along, leaves, sticks, and other debris began to fall in the water. The stream kept moving but the pure flow was greatly impeded by all the leaves and twigs. There were places that were no longer being touched because of the debris that had fallen in the water. God is summoning His Church to remove the debris so that the clear life of God can flow. He is calling us to "Arise and Shine!", but how can we arise and shine when we are weighed down ourselves?
God has given us a beautiful gift of righteousness and purity through His Son, Jesus Christ. "Though your sins were as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." (from Isa. 1:18) We are to honor, nurture, and protect this most precious gift. God is calling His Church to humble ourselves and receive His cleansing once again. May we walk in purity of heart, purity of motives, purity of lifestyle, purity of relationships, purity of thoughts, and purity of devotion.
We are not to be overwhelmed with God's call to purity, but we are to understand that it is a day to day, moment by moment journey and walk with Holy Spirit. As we walk, submitted to Him and obeying His voice, purity will be the natural by-product of our relationship with Him.
"Start over with me, and create a new clean heart within me. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you. May there never be even a shadow of darkness between us! May you never deprive me of your Sacred Spirit! Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Give me more of your Holy Spirit-Wind so that I may stand strong and true to you! Then I can show to other guilty ones how loving and merciful you are. They will find their way back home to you, knowing that you will forgive them." (Psalm 51:10-13, Passion Translation)