There's a Tug-of-war Happening Right Now

Recently the youth of our church played a big game of Tug-of-war in our church parking lot. Someone videoed the game and posted it on Instagram where I happened to see it. Watching their antics the Lord spoke to me and said, "This is happening right now. There is a Tug-of-war going on in the minds of God's people between the promises of God and the lies of the enemy."
The battle is very intense right now for many people. We have crossed over only to find big, fat giants squatting on our land. Why should we be so surprised? Just like the Children of Israel who crossed the Jordan into their new land, we have entered into a new season of faith and deep reliance on the Lord to defeat our enemies. God is not surprised at the giants facing us, and He has made provision for every battle.
Transition is often difficult and we are transitioning into a new era. The days ahead are full of great and awesome promises, but also require a level of trust and leaning into His heart. Just a read through the book of Joshua and we find that God's battle plans rarely look like anything we could devise. That is why it is so important that we press in closer and go up higher with Him than ever before.
Who would have thought that a rag tag band of men marching around a city seven times, shouting and blowing trumpets and rams horns, could bring down the walls of the city of Jericho? But, it makes total sense in God's economy. In Isaiah 55:9, God tells us that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We must realize that our access to His thoughts and ways will come to the degree we yield to the call of the secret place.
The Children of Israel were always given careful instructions to carry the Ark of His Presence with them into the new land and then into battle. And now, we have no less call to embrace the very Presence that lives within us as we face our battles. The very One who possesses the breaker anointing resides within and goes before us.
"The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. The King will pass through before them, the LORD at their head." - Micah 2:13
There is a great call to step out in bold faith right now. Faith is God's "love language", and faith will move the mountains and pesky giants that are illegally on our land right now. Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness (Rom. 4:3), meaning His faith brought him into "right standing" and alignment with God and the promises of God for His life.
Our faith in God will bring us into alignment with God's promises as well. Our faith positions us to receive the fulfillment of the promises He has spoken.
There is a Tug-of-war happening right now!
The dictionary defines Tug-of-war as "a struggle for supremacy or control". The truth is, we have the resources of Heaven at our disposal for each and every struggle we face, but WE MUST LEAN IN! The Breaker Himself, Jesus Christ, is fighting on our side, tugging the rope to bring our enemies to their certain demise.
As we survey our land and the giants before us, our Champion whispers, "Will you believe Me? Will you trust My words to you?" As we tighten our grip on His goodness, faithfulness, and words to us, He will pull us into the abundance of new things He has promised.