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Hold on to His Voice

Something unusual has been happening at our house the last few weeks. Every evening as we lie down in bed to go to sleep, we are inundated with the sounds of birds chirping. Yes, birds are chirping when it is fully dark! We have lived in this house for eight years and have never experienced this before. My husband quickly identified the incessant chirping as belonging to Mockingbirds. Since the Lord has often spoken to me through birds in the past, I asked if He wanted to say something about this phenomenon.

As I sought the Lord I heard Him say, "Don't listen to the mocking voices. The enemy is doing a lot of chattering right now, and seeking to distract you from your focus and place of rest. Your enemy is seeking to intimidate and confuse with his constant chirping. Hold fast to my voice and refuse to let go of your promises and place of rest."

There is a huge battle going on in the spirit realm right now. God has spoken powerful promises preparing us for what we are stepping into, and the enemy is angrily pulling out all the stops to try and derail the move of God. But, all the enemy has in his arsenal is lies and deception.

As the people of God, we live our lives by faith. Faith can simply be defined as "believing God". When we hear Him speak to us through impressions, prophetic words, visions, or dreams, we have a choice to believe Him or not. Our faith is tested when satan comes in to mock and challenge the voice of God we believe we have heard.

As I was meditating on all of this the Lord led me to Isaiah 55. In verse 10, the Lord is encouraging His people with the surety of His word and compares it to the certainty of the rain and snow that water the earth and produce the vegetation that yields seeds, and ultimately, bread to eat. These cycles God ingrained in nature are a sure thing, and will continue to be. Then in vs. 11 He says, "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."

God's words are not just any words, and His voice is not just any voice. His words are LIFE and POWER and once spoken, they cannot return to Him void. They cannot return to Him without accomplishing His heart and desire in speaking them.

It stood out to me that immediately following these powerful verses in Isaiah 55: 10-11, the Lord goes on to say, "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;" (vs. 12) Joy and peace are the fruit of walking with a confidence in His voice and word. Our joy comes in knowing who He is and wrapping ourselves in His faithfulness. The enemy is seeking to rob and steal joy and peace right now, We don't have to have the full manifestation of our promises fulfilled to walk in joy and peace. Again, our focus has to be on who He is and His faithfulness. Like Sarah, who was able to bear a child when she was well past childbearing age, we need to "consider Him faithful who made the promise." (Heb. 11:11)

The Lord is encouraging us today to believe Him and hold on to His voice. Though we may be barraged by an onslaught of negative and mocking voices right now that seek to discourage and dismantle what God is building and doing within us, He is encouraging us to step fully into faith, step fully into believing Him. Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not a man that He should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" Children of God, let's launch it all out on Him and His faithfulness. Let's ignore the mocking voice, hold on to His voice, and watch to see the full harvest of His words to us!


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