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It's Time to Run Some Plays!

Recently my husband and I were able to get away for some much needed vacation time and rest. I was enjoying longer times with the Lord and as I was seeking Him one day I saw a vision of a football field. The defensive line was leaving the field and the offensive line was getting into place. As this picture unfolded I heard the Lord say, "It's time to run some plays".

As I meditated on this I felt the Lord was saying that we are leaving a season where we have had to constantly be on the defensive line against the enemy. It has seemed difficult for many to be able to move forward with the plans and call of God, but that is about to change. The offensive line is moving on to the field and it is time to "run some plays".

I know that our adversary is still present and has not given up his agenda to steal, kill, and destroy, but I also believe our God is bringing us into a time and season of greater grace and vindication. We will not only withstand his schemes, but actually plunder the enemy's camp.

The story of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 was recently highlighted to me. I believe this story holds some keys for us today in how we should expect to advance and "run the plays" God has for us. King Jehoshaphat and all of Judah were facing a vast army that was coming against them from Edom. Here are some important keys we can learn from this wise king:

1. Get your advancement strategies from the Lord. Jehoshaphat inquired of the Lord and so should we (vs. 3). How we start in battle will often determine how we finish. Just as the football players huddle to hear the plays before executing them, it is paramount that we incline our ear to hear the "plays" the Lord has for us.

2. Magnification sets the stage for clarification. Jehoshaphat magnified the Lord and declared his faith in God's deliverance. (vs. 6-9) Showing amazing leadership in the middle of his own vulnerability, Jehoshaphat set the stage for God to move and his worshipful obedience brought clarity to all of Judah.

3. Be hopeful and honest in the midst of your difficulty. The king honestly spoke his predicament before the Lord, but then ends with this famous phrase, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." (vs. 10-12) As we seek the Lord for strategies and deliverance we often find ourselves in a place of not knowing what to do. "But our eyes are on you..." changes the equation to one of faith and hope.

4. Wait and watch for God to speak. As the men, women, and children of Judah waited before the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord came on a man named Jahaziel. He then began to prophesy the Lord's unique battle plan. They were instructed first of all, "For the battle is not yours, but God's." (vs. 15) They were to march down against their enemies, but then instructed to stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord.(vs, 17) They surely must have wondered about the contradiction of marching against their enemies, yet standing still to see their victory. But, God had some tricks up His sleeve they knew nothing about.

5. Worship brings the breakthrough. Jehoshaphat appointed worshippers to lead the way as they marched towards their enemies.(v. 21) What a picture of what our stance is to be in battle! To me, the climax of the story is found in 20:22, "As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated." These men who were attacking Judah actually began to turn on one another, and they were completely destroyed.

6. The Lord's victory through you will produce valuable plunder. It took Jehoshaphat and his men three days to collect all the plunder from this victory the Lord gave them.(vs. 25) As we follow the battle plans of the Lord, we can also expect to gather valuable plunder that will glorify God and advance the kingdom around us. It is part of your inheritance as a son or daughter of the King to gather plunder from your battles.

We are stepping into a season where the defensive line is exiting the field and the offensive line is entering. God has incredible"plays" lined up for the children of God, and together we will do great exploits for the kingdom. As we prepare to "run some plays" let's not forget that God alone has the battle plans that will bring about great victory and plunder. Let's take our place of humility and worship to see our enemies defeated and His kingdom come.


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