Step into a New Way of Seeing and Being

Many in the Body of Christ have been experiencing an intense time of pressure and squeezing. The enemy has brought assault after assault against the sons and daughters of God, but our good Father will use these things to only make us stronger in the power of His might as we learn to walk in the realms of authority that He has given to each one of us.
Many find themselves facing a choice. Will we respond according to old patterns and cycles that have kept us bound, or will we step out into the unknown, following the voice of the Spirit into this new era? Will we cross the lines that have kept us enclosed, or will we venture out believing He is faithful to do what He says He will do?
Recently as I was spending time with the Lord, I heard Him saying these things:
"Dear ones, fear is NOT your portion. I have called you to operate according to a different perspective. You are not of this world as your Spirit has been made alive in Me. I'm calling you to come up higher and lay hold of a new way of seeing and being. This is your inheritance in Me. Your worldly, natural view cannot see or grasp the endless possibilities of your life as you operate in the power and fulness of My Spirit. You must choose to see with new eyes.
Fear wants to pull you in, to cut off your lifeline of grace in Me and replace it with emptiness, lack, and utter darkness. Lift up your eyes, dear ones! I have new horizons and vistas in the Spirit realm for you to see and explore. There is a place for you to dwell above the clamor and pressing evil all around you.
You must focus to find Me when there are so many things vying for your attention. Seek Me and I will be found. I long to meet you in the quiet moments of solitude, but seek Me in the noisy bustle of your day as well. Over and over, direct your attention to the oneness we share. My glory dwells in you and flows as a refreshing river to those who will take the time to drink. Purpose to uncap the wells of My Spirit within you. Remove every hindrance, every barrier that would hinder the flow of My river within you.
Surrender, release, and obey. Fear is not your portion but instead, JOY. I give deep abiding joy to those who have learned to trust in My goodness.
I am calling you to take new land and conquer giants. Your operating system will be "not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit." (Zech. 4:6) Under the Old Covenant, the Israelites walked for forty years with sandals and clothing that did not wear out. I provided the nourishing manna for them daily. How much more under My glorious New Covenant will I provide for you! Surrender to Me your needs for I know them already. Rid yourself of small, limited thinking and walk with Me on this journey of intimacy and adventure.
I am enlarging you. Heed My voice quickly and you will avoid unnecessary delays. Remember, My kingdom is within you. Draw from this place and the way will open before you. You are pioneering and treading on unworn paths as My kingdom is ever advancing. Don't let the familiar pull you away from the new. It is a time for the new! New beginnings, new assignments, new lands, and new operating systems.
Fear has no place in this new era. I'm calling you to rise above and soar like an eagle. Renew your strength in Me and you will find supernatural grace for all I have called you to do."
"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated." Isaiah 54:2-4