"My 'Weary World' is Going to Rejoice Again!"

Like many others, I have felt a deep burden for our nation as we have faced problems one after the other over the past year. The pandemic, isolation, economic collapse, and political unrest are just some of the concerns that have caused many to fall into depression, anxiety, and despair. In reality, most of the nations of the earth are dealing with similar difficulties.
As I spent time with the Lord, He showed me that the world is indeed "weary". Merriam Webster dictionary defines weary as, "exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness."
I then saw a picture of a woman on her knees, bent low to the ground, carrying a heavy burden on her back. She was a representation of the weary world. Brought to her knees by all the afflictions, she was visibly tired, and unable to move forward any longer.
My Weary World Will Rejoice Again!
It was as I pondered this desperate picture that I heard the Lord say, "My weary world is going to rejoice again. It is from this place on your knees that you will now see My salvation and deliverance come. You will know the thrill of hope again as I am coming to right the wrongs and release My Divine justice into the earth." I recognized the weary world reference as part of the lyrics of the popular Christmas carol, "O Holy Night". The song speaks of the holiest of nights, when Jesus was born, entering our world to bring true salvation. Though He has never left us, He is stepping into the world in a sovereign move of His kingship to release His Divine justice and peace.
The God of Recompense is Here!
"The LORD has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: "Say to Daughter Zion, 'See his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.'" Isa. 62:11
Recompense in the Oxford dictionary means, "compensation or reward given for loss or harm suffered or effort made." Our Savior is our great Redeemer and coming to release His recompense to the weary world in the coming days. He will bring His Divine compensation and reward for loss and harm suffered by many. The Sovereign Lord is coming to release the rule of His Kingdom bringing salvation, deliverance, justice, grace and peace.
"Lift up your heads O you gates, be lifted up you Ancient Doors, that the King of Glory may come in." Ps. 24:7
The King of Glory is stepping in to release His Sovereign rule. Watch and see weary world, for you will rejoice once again! The King of Glory is coming as The Lifter of Your Head. He is coming to those who have put their trust in Him, and He is coming to the doubters and scoffers as well. He will draw those who have struggled to believe, and His goodness and mercy will win them over as wave after wave of the fear of the Lord sweeps across our land.
The Lord Will Lift High a Standard
"When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." Isa. 59:19b
In Bible times a standard was a flag or banner that would lead the troops into battle. As long as the flag or standard was elevated, the troops would remain in the battle. The Lord is lifting high His standard even now, and the enemy will be exposed and driven out of the places where he has sought to gain territory and influence. The enemy and his dark forces will once again be reminded of their eternal fate. They have been disarmed by the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior King, Jesus Christ. A holy awe is going to fall, and knees are about to bow as the King of Glory sweeps across the nations of the earth.
There is a new day dawning and and an awakening of the Spirit of God in His sons and daughters. Many have felt "for such a time as this" resonating over and over in their spirit. Do not be discouraged by the dwindling of Gideon's army in this hour, for our God is able to work exponentially through His faithful ones. God is releasing impartations of courage and faith to those who will rise up to take their place in this new era of unprecedented challenges. God is touching their eyes to see the unprecedented harvest and potential as the weary world reaches out for a touch from Heaven.
Holy Spirit, breathe fresh wind and fire into your Bride making Her equal for the task of gathering in your great harvest. Breathe life and hope across the earth again and cause the weary world to once again rejoice.
"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." Psalm 5:11