The Sounds of Proclamation Worship are Arising!

The Lord has been highlighting worship leaders and worship teams to me recently and the role they will be stepping into in this new era. In the coming days we are going to see more and more times and gatherings where those leading worship will come under an anointing to lead out in PROCLAMATION WORSHIP.
Wikipedia defines "Proclamation" as "An official declaration issued by a person of authority to make certain announcements known."
The legal-dictionary of the says proclamation is "An act that declares to the general public that the government has acted in a particular way."
This movement of worshippers will begin to proclaim the authoritative decrees and declarations of Heaven engaging corporate bodies in governmental worship that shifts cities and nations. This movement will increase as revelation knowledge and illumined awareness of our true position and authority in Christ becomes more and more clear.
Governmental Authority
Ephesians 2:6 states our position clearly, "And God raised us up with Christ, and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus."
The word "seated" actually means "sat down together". We are seated with Christ and His seat is a seat of AUTHORITY. The term "seated" is often used as a governmental term. A king's throne signifies his right to rule and his authority. This is also where modern terms like "seat of government" or "the county seat" originate. The fact that we are "seated with Christ" indicates that we have been given a place of authority and governmental rule.
It is from this very place of inherited authority that powerful times of PROCLAMATION WORSHIP will begin to spring forth led by the worshippers. We have several examples in the Old Testament of Judah or praise going first in order to release breakthrough. We see in Joshua 6 that the fall of Jericho's walls occurred as the priests led the way trumpeting ram's horns in the front of the procession of men. They led the army in giving a shout that brought the walls down. This ancient story of Jericho is a beautiful picture of the power of proclamation to release the heart of Heaven into a situation where breakthrough was needed.
It is beyond understanding that the Father has made us co-heirs with His son, Jesus Christ, but it is true! (Romans 8:17) We are also privileged to function as His ambassadors. (2 Cor. 5:20-21) We now also carry His authority to open and shut doors in order to advance the Kingdom of God. We use our KEYS by binding and loosing, and making decrees and declarations in line with what has already been accomplished and established in Heaven.(Matthew 16:19)
The Enemy's Plan is Foiled!
Many have come through a difficult time where the enemy has sought to discredit and demoralize us. His goal is to disrobe the royal sons and daughters of the King and attempt to strip them of their authority and honor bestowed on them by the Father. He seeks to discourage us so that we no longer have the will to release, to speak, to declare the goodness of our Father and King.
But, be encouraged! A mighty shift is occurring and a resplendent "light show" of the grandest kind is about to occur and is already occurring. The King of Glory is stepping onto the scene and bringing Heaven to earth like never before. Wherever the King goes, there is LIGHT. As He manifests His Presence in greater and greater ways, so will His LIGHT manifest in us and the world around us. The worshipping priests will begin to partner in a greater way as true revelation of position, sonship, and authority begins to become more clear in the light of His Presence.
Royal Priests Revealed
Under the old covenant, priests were the ones who drew near to God on behalf of others. They offered sacrifices and interceded as part of their priestly duties. Under the New Covenant, every born again believer steps into this priestly opportunity purchased by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
But, I Peter 2:9 unveils a totally new paradigm. We are not just priests, but ROYAL PRIESTS! Our KINGLY AUTHORITY as royal priests is being highlighted in this new era and waves of revelation are beginning to wash over the Body of Christ in unprecedented manner.
Kings are the ones who have the authority to make edicts and governmental decrees.This tide will be unstoppable as the Church picks up the gavels delegated to them and begin to proclaim, declare, and enforce the government of Heaven on Earth. We are in a time where the Lord is calling forth His worshipping Royal Priests to set in motion His intended plans by the declarations of their mouths.
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." - Matthew 18:19
The word for "agree" in this scripture is symphoneo which means to sound together in accord. We have often thought of this agreement being something quietly done as we agree with someone in prayer. But, what if this agreement was never meant to be quiet? What if the "symphoneo" or "sounding together in accord" was meant to be passionate, energetic, and even loud?! This is PROCLAMATION WORSHIP, sounding together the rule and reign of Heaven and releasing it on earth.
There is going to be a great unlocking as this key of active agreement is put into place. Heaven has awaited a MOUTHPIECE, and the time is now for PROCLAMATION WORSHIP to ARISE from the lips of the the royal sons and daughters of God.